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Jordan recently said


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He thought he could change the site, as members was on there for him, yeah right. Lolol I was on there for britney ^^

Yeah I don't get it. He treats people like they are his army, not Britney's... :umum:  And now he technically threatens people to join exhale and still doesn't get it that people are there or now here for Britney, not for anyone else.


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Guest blehh

He thought he could change the site, as members was on there for him, yeah right. Lolol I was on there for britney ^^

That's the thing, he totally wanted to take advantage of us (britneys fans) and Britney herself. His lazy not working ass got greedy for more money and he thought he could just betray Britney, steal 90% of her fanbase (most of the fans were on exhale) and make some shit pop forum so he could earn more money. He is delusional sometimes tbh, I swear I am not hating but how can someone do literally nothing except for managing a website? Hes not a student, hes not employed, hes just doing nothing, he barely even visited the website, the mods (unpaid ones) did all the work, he would just ocassionaly show up, steal a thread and mainpage it under his name. I just cant at some ppl...and he was supposed to be the leader of B army :byebitch: not anymore 

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There for him? The majority of the members didn't even like him.  :mygawd:


I feel like eventually karma catches up to everyone. I think it's happening to Jordan right now. I never, ever would have thought Exhale would be as inactive as it is right now. It's shocking. And it could only get worst from here.  :overthis:

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