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Can You Believe There Are People Who Try To Justify Racism?


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This may need to be moved to No Holds Barred. I just really needed to vent. I'm sorry if this creates any trouble, but at the same time, I'm not.


First off, let me say this right now. I'm white. (Irish and German to be exact.)


Second, I understand how things work in the US, blahblahblah white people everywhere in tv and media blahblahblah black people are oppressed, yeah, I understand that I'll never "feel oppressed" even though i'm gay and there's now law in Indiana where businesses can refuse service to gay people and whatnot. I get that.


But let me explain three things.


ONE. You cannot justify calling a white person "cracker" or "igloo" or anything listed here. The same goes for all races, but for some odd reason, I've seen a huge majority of people (mostly on tumblr) saying "white people do this" or "white people ruin everything", usually accompanied with the slur "cracker".

I find it offensive. Just as a Middle Eastern person would be offended if someone were to call them "Bin Laden".

Yes, I understand that a majority of Caucasian people have said racist things and weren't ashamed of it, and that makes that specific person disgusting. But that doesn't excuse any other race for doing the same thing to someone that's white.

Because no one should be calling another person a racial slur. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?



TWO. There were white slaves. Yes. 

  1. You
  2. Cannot
  3. Deny
  4. That

No, it doesn't justify that America enslaved African people. But it doesn't justify the Irish being enslaved either.



THREE. My ethnic origins matter as much as yours.


I see people ridiculing people for saying they're "one third German, one third Irish, one third Danish".

Which is really fucked up, because those are different countries, each with different characteristics - just as the Koreans, the Japanese, and the Chinese have different traits and characteristics. Same goes for Algerians, the Siddi, or Moroccan or Turkish people.


So rather than ridiculing me for knowing where my people came from, why not just tell me where YOUR people came from so we can exchange stories of our cultures?

(Like how my people almost died out)

I would love for someone to go into an in-depth explanation of how they descended from an ancient tribe, or whatever their case may be - but they shouldn't ridicule me for knowing where I came from and what historical events happened among my people.



The reason I wanted to make this post?

I saw this.


Okay. End rant.

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The world is full of double standards. People are so hypocritical it's crazy. Racism is for stupid people not matter what colour they are. Those people that are staying whatever about your race will be the first to get upset if you said something about where they come from or said something personal about you, hypocrites, this is coming from a non white person, don't sweat it. :blackoutsmiley:

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The world is full of double standards. People are so hypocritical it's crazy. Racism is for stupid people not matter what colour they are. Those people that are staying whatever about your race will be the first to get upset if you said something about where they come from or said something personal about you, hypocrites, this is coming from a non white person, don't sweat it. :blackoutsmiley:

THANK YOU. I've been waiting for someone to fucking say this, but it's like no one even cares.

I just hate that I can't get on tumblr or vine anymore without getting a "white mom vs latino mom" post or something similar, you know?

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THANK YOU. I've been waiting for someone to fucking say this, but it's like no one even cares.

I just hate that I can't get on tumblr or vine anymore without getting a "white mom vs latino mom" post or something similar, you know?


The internet is a crazy world, try not to take people so seriously cos they ain't acting like that in real life normally. It's annoying and lame though.

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Yeah I encounter this onl tumblr way too often :tbh: famous bloggers hate on white people A LOT, and nobody beats an eye, if some white blogger complains, they shut him down by saying stuff like "oh no im so sorry did my slavery disturb u?" or something like that. I agree with you, white people did enslave a lot of africans, however, idiotic american black racists need to realise one thing, new generations are trying to correct this mistake as hard as they can, and as the new generations of whites actually try to correct what ancestors did , blacks start to hate and opress more and more! Also , i kind of don't get it why blacks from the USA tend to also hate white Europeans, people who remained living here have nothing to do with african slavery in the USA , we stayed here and so did our ancestors, so we have nothing to do with that. Racism is a bad thing in no matter which culture tbh , and should not be justified in any single way. I see on tumblr so often "white ppl ruin everything" "white people are ugly" "who tricked the entire world to think european-caucasian beauty is the definition of beauty when black women are 10000000 prettier and sexier" and those posts would get 200k notes and up, its insanely annoying, and if I was straight (which im not) I most definitely would not like insanely huge, scary, celulite, plastic asszila up my fucking face, which black women tend to think is actually a form of "beauty" , they consider Nicki Minaj a representative of how black womans body should looke like, well congrats, you are saying your body looks deformed and sick, good job. Each race has something wonderful on them, literally :) so we should all just love eachother tbh , I understand you tho :):hug: 

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